Our Themes


When students acquire new content or skills learned through multiple steps with multiple levels of analysis or processing and apply them in ways that change thinking or behaviors. Typically deep learning develops through various cycles of wondering, thinking, acting, assessing, considering varied perspectives, and iterating. Research supports that learning conditions, the factors or circumstances that exist in students’ environments that support or hinder their ability to learn, significantly impact deep learning and that students are best positioned to thrive in this way when experiencing these conditions.

(excerpts from Deeper Learning, Leaders of Their Own Learning, and UChicago/PERTS Elevate Measures)


Teachers exhibiting excellent teaching grow and develop their skills in:

  • Creating an environment and designing experiences to support the whole child and mastery of learning

  • Creating and communicating effective learning targets

  • Checking for understanding during daily lessons

  • Using data with students

  • Using models, critique, and descriptive feedback

  • Designing student-centered learning experiences, engaged assessment practices, ownership, thinking, decision-making, and agency

  • Ensuring meaningful celebrations and demonstrations of learning

Research supports that professional engagement and learning that builds capacity for excellent teaching typically includes teachers experiencing learning first-hand through guided implementation, coaching, or professional collaboration, as well as a structure for formative or summative reflection. Using thoughtful and deliberate improvement cycles.

(excerpts from Carnegie Foundation, Leaders of Their Own Learning, and UChicago/PERTS Elevate Measures)